Examples & usage
Below the default configuration:
below the weather description and max/min temperatures are turned off:
$('.ew02').EasyWeather({ showDescription: false, showMinMax: false });
and the region/state displayed in the header and the country name turned off:
$('.ew02').EasyWeather({ showRegion: true, showCountry: false });
The following example shows more detailed information for the current weather condition:
$('.ew-details').EasyWeather({ showDetails: true, width: '275px' });
The detailed information is also configurable:
$('.ew-details02').EasyWeather({ showDetails: true, details: 'humidity|pressure|wind', width: '275px' });
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By default the widget geolocates the current user position, alternatively a fixed location can be set:
$('.ewLoc').EasyWeather({ location: 'Sydney' });
$('.ewLoc2').EasyWeather({ location: 'Rome', showCountry: false });
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Forecasts can be displayed in a vertical or horizontal manner:
$('.ew04').EasyWeather({ forecasts: true });
$('.ew05').EasyWeather({ forecasts: true, orientation: 'horizontal', nbForecastDays: 4 });
Alternatively, they can be toggled with a link:
$('.ew06').EasyWeather({ forecasts: true, forecastsLink: true });
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With the search feature users will be able to search weather information for desired locations:
$('.ewSearch').EasyWeather({ enableSearch: true });
The number of search results is also configurable, 8 by default:
$('.ewSearch2').EasyWeather({ enableSearch: true, nbSearchResults: 15 });
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The weather data provider can be easily set, Yahoo! Weather is the default one as it doesn't need any account:
$('.ewProviders').EasyWeather({ providerId: 'wwo' });
The order of data providers to be contacted in case of failure is also configurable:
$('.ewProviders2').EasyWeather({ providerId: 'ham', providerSequenceIds: 'ham|yhw|wwo|owm|wug' });
The example below implements a provider roller:
var ewProvidersRoller = $('.ewProvidersRoller').EasyWeather({ providerId: 'owm', showDetails: true, width: '270px', load: function() { if($('#slcProvider').val() !== this.provider().id) { $('#slcProvider').val(this.provider().id); } } }); <!-- Drop-down options --> <select id="slcProvider" onchange=" ewProvidersRoller[0].setWeatherProvider(this.value); ewProvidersRoller[0].refresh();"> <option value="yhw">Yahoo!</option> <option value="wwo">World Weather Online</option> <option value="owm">Open Weather Map</option> <option value="wug">Wunderground</option> <option value="ham">HAMweather</option> </select>
It is also possible to choose the geolocation provider:
$('.ewGeoProvider').EasyWeather({ geoProviderId: 'fgip' });
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EasyWeather comes with 12 themes, and this is how you set a theme:
$('.ew-theme').EasyWeather({ theme: 'ew-yellow' });
Check the available skins with the theme roller:
var ewThemesRoller = $('#ew-theme-roller').EasyWeather({ theme: 'ew-teal', load: function() { if($('#slcThemes').val() !== this.config().theme) { $('#slcThemes').val(this.config().theme); } } });
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The following example changes the temperature unit to Fahrenheits:
$('.ew-fahrenheit').EasyWeather({ tempUnit: 'F' });
And the wind speed unit to Miles (Mph):
$('.ew-miles').EasyWeather({ providerId: 'wwo', tempUnit: 'F', windSpeedUnit: 'Miles', showDetails: true, width: '275px' });
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With Open Weather Map it is also possible to set a language for the current condition description:
var ewLangFr = $('.ew-fr').EasyWeather({ providerId: 'owm', width: '280px', forecasts: true, language: 'fr', todayLabel: 'Aujourd\'hui', weekDays: ['dim', 'lun', 'mar', 'mer', 'jeu', 'ven', 'sam'], showDetails: true, details: 'humidity|wind|pressure', detailLabels: { humidity: ' Humidité: ', wind: ' Vent: ', pressure: ' Pression: ' } }); // Refreshes previously cached data for same location in this // documentation page ewLangFr[0].refresh();
and below the supported languages:
var ewLang = $('.ew-lang').EasyWeather({ providerId: 'owm', location: 'Barcelona', language: 'sp', forecasts: true, load: function() { if($('#slcLang').val() !== this.config().language) { $('#slcLang').val(this.config().language); } } });
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EasyWidget content is also easily customisable with the template
Below a complete list of placeholders for the current
condition template:
, {desc}
, {date}
, {Condition.provider_link}
, {temp}
, {minmax}
, {Condition.description}
, {Condition.precipitation}
, {Condition.wind}
, {Condition.visibility}
, {forecastsdisplay}
, {cssprfx}
and the placeholders for forecast
, {icndesc}
, {date}
, {minmax}
, {desc}
$('.ew-template').EasyWeather({ template: { current: '<div>{temp}: {desc}</div>' } });
$('.ew-template-forecasts').EasyWeather({ orientation: 'horizontal', forecasts: true, nbForecastDays: 3, template: { forecast: '<div class="ew-left" style="margin: 0 6px">' + '<div>{date}</div>' + '<div><small>{minmax}</small></div>' + '<div>{desc}</div>'+ '</div>' } });
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Callbacks & Delegates
The following examples show how to take advantage of the numerous callbacks and delegates.
overrides the default icon URL, this is useful especially when
we want to use custom weather icons.
$('.ew-template').EasyWeather({ providerId: 'wwo', providerSequence: false, forecasts: true, orientation: 'vertical', width: '180px', create: function(){ $(this).css({ border: '1px solid #333' }); }, fnSetIconUrl: function(data) { // Icons only for World Weather Online provider var weatherCode = data.code, icnUrl = 'http://c358489.r89.cf1.rackcdn.com/' + 'images/weather/small/{wc}_day_sm.png'; return icnUrl.replace('{wc}', weatherCode); }, error: function() { this.cont.html(''); } });
The following example shows how to use the widget's delegates to geolocate the user with a custom geolocation provider:
$('.ew-template').EasyWeather({ fnLocate: function() { this.showSpinner(); var o = this, url = 'http://ip-geo.appspot.com/geo_data.js', loc, city, country; $.getScript(url, function() { var geo = com.unitedCoders.geo, loc, l; if(geo.hasOwnProperty('ll')) { if(!window['com'] || !com['unitedCoders']) { o.showError(o.msg.error_occurred); return; } var geo = com.unitedCoders.geo, loc, location, l; if(geo.hasOwnProperty('ll')) { geo = geo.ll; l = geo.length - 1; loc = geo[l]; city = loc.city; country = loc.country; location = city + (o.config().showCountry ? ', ' + country : ''); o.setLocation(location, true); } } }); } });
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